
rotten cellar Learn more about rotten cellar

  • How to prevent the rotten cellar of sweet potato

    How to prevent the rotten cellar of sweet potato

    The biggest problem of sweet potato during storage is rotten cellar. Once the cellar is rotten, light will reduce the quality of sweet potato, heavy will lead to the whole cellar sweet potato rotten, resulting in varying degrees of loss. The rotten cellar of sweet potato is mostly caused by physiological diseases and infectious diseases. Main physiological disease

    2020-11-08 How to prevent sweet potato rotten cellar sweet potato in storage process the most
  • A new trick to prevent sweet potato from rotten cellar

    A new trick to prevent sweet potato from rotten cellar

    A new trick to prevent sweet potato from rotten cellar

  • The latest new trick to prevent sweet potato from rotten cellar

    The latest new trick to prevent sweet potato from rotten cellar

    Sweet potato is one of the main food crops in China, and now most of the sweet potatoes have been harvested. For some high-yield growers, it is impossible to sell them all, so they need to be stored in the cellar during harvest. However, many people will send it when they store sweet potatoes.

    2020-11-10 The latest prevention sweet potato rotten cellar new tricks sweet potatoes yes
  • Scientific Storage Technology of Potato

    Scientific Storage Technology of Potato

    How to scientifically store fresh potatoes for seed, edible and processing is the key link to extend potato industry chain. Through scientific storage, it can not only adjust market supply and demand, but also increase value by 20%~30%. The present storage situation, existing problems and scientific storage methods of potato in Weichang County were discussed through investigation and production practice. Although paddock farmers have the habit of storing potatoes and have accumulated rich storage experience, there are also many problems.

  • Storage knack for growing sweet potatoes

    Storage knack for growing sweet potatoes

    1. The type of potato cellar: the sweet potato is stored in a well cellar with a depth of 4.5-5m and a soil layer thickness of 2.5-3m. 2, potato cellar disinfection: put seed potatoes into aseptic cellar storage, potato cellar had better use a new cellar. If the old cellar is used, the wall and bottom of the cellar can be scraped off 3-4cm to reveal new soil.

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potato storage know-how potato cellar type
  • Rotten cellar of potato (Phytophthora)

    Rotten cellar of potato (Phytophthora)

    There are dark or purple spots on the surface of symptomatic potato pieces, which are deep within the 1cm, and it is not easy to see white mold, but when the humidity in the cellar is high, the disease will produce white mold, that is, pathogen cyst peduncles and sporangia. Causing a rotten cellar. See potato disease-potato late blight for pathogen, route of transmission and disease conditions. For control methods, see potato dry rot.

  • The latest cellar management method of Chinese cabbage in winter

    The latest cellar management method of Chinese cabbage in winter

    During the harvest season of Chinese cabbage in winter, many people store Chinese cabbage in winter, especially in the north, and what they fear most when storing Chinese cabbage is decay, which is caused by improper storage. So how to store Chinese cabbage in winter?

    2020-11-10 Latest Chinese cabbage winter hoarding management methods time
  • How to store potatoes

    How to store potatoes

    1. Chemical and physiological changes during storage when potatoes are harvested, tubers generally contain about 75% of water. During storage, temperature, humidity, light and air conditions are strictly required, such as improper regulation, causing physiological states and adverse changes in chemical composition. The physiological and chemical components of potato are constantly changing during storage. With the change of temperature, humidity and light, the respiratory intensity changes accordingly. Due to respiration, the weight can be reduced by 6.5%, such as insufficient maturity, too much nitrogen fertilizer, potassium chloride alone, etc.

  • Key techniques for overwintering storage of sweet potato

    Key techniques for overwintering storage of sweet potato

    Key techniques for overwintering storage of sweet potato

  • Management methods of hoarding of Chinese cabbage in winter

    Management methods of hoarding of Chinese cabbage in winter

    Management methods of hoarding of Chinese cabbage in winter

  • Vegetable cultivation: storage, fresh-keeping, processing and harvest of taro

    Vegetable cultivation: storage, fresh-keeping, processing and harvest of taro

    Taro is a perennial herb of Araceae, native to China, India, Malay Peninsula and other places. At present, it is mainly distributed in South China and Southwest China.

  • Garlic storage

    Garlic storage

    The key to garlic storage is to create suitable environmental conditions for dormancy and to inhibit bud sprouting and decay. The ideal environmental conditions for garlic storage are low temperature, low humidity and ventilation. The most suitable temperature is about 0 ℃ and the relative humidity is 70-80%. Its simple fresh storage, that is, does not need special and complex equipment, let alone a fixed storage place, measures to local conditions, local materials, simple process, low cost, storage time up to 7-8 months, storage methods include hanging storage, shelf storage and cellar storage. 1. Hang and store: garlic after harvest

  • Simple Storage of garlic

    Simple Storage of garlic

    The key to garlic storage is to create suitable environmental conditions for dormancy and to inhibit bud sprouting and decay. The ideal environmental conditions for garlic storage are low temperature, low humidity and ventilation. The most suitable temperature is about 0 ℃ and the relative humidity is 70-80%. Its simple fresh storage, that is, does not need special and complex equipment, let alone a fixed storage place, measures to local conditions, local materials, simple process, low cost, storage time up to 7-8 months, storage methods include hanging storage, shelf storage and cellar storage. 1. Hang and store: after harvest

  • Storage technology of sweet potato

    Storage technology of sweet potato

    I. The cellar site of the potato cellar should generally be selected at the corner of the courtyard, and the cellar hole with a depth of 3~5 meters should be drilled downward. The diameter of the hole is about 80 cm, and 2~3 storerooms with a height of 1.7 meters, a width of 1.4 meters and a depth of 3 meters should be drilled at the bottom. If it is an old cellar, it is necessary to scrape off the soil on the surface of the cellar wall and spray the fungicide to facilitate the recommendation of potatoes. II. Preparation and collection technology before entering the cellar After the frost falls, it is time to harvest sweet potatoes. We should choose sunny and windless weather for harvest. Pay attention to light digging, light handling and light transportation. Try to prevent digging.

  • Timely harvest and safe storage of sweet potato

    Timely harvest and safe storage of sweet potato

    Timely harvest and safe storage of sweet potato

  • What are the storage methods of oranges?

    What are the storage methods of oranges?

    What are the storage methods of oranges?

  • Cultivation and processing techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation and processing techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation and processing techniques of Gastrodia elata

  • Causes and Prevention of Potato decay during Storage

    Causes and Prevention of Potato decay during Storage

    Potato is one of the main crops in Qinghai province, which has the characteristics of high and stable yield, short growth period, strong adaptability, rich nutrition, both grain and vegetable, and high economic utilization value, so it is deeply welcomed by the general public. In recent years, with the development of potato industry, significant production benefits have led to the expansion of potato planting area year by year. However, due to the extensive scientific management of potato during production, harvest, transportation and storage, a large number of seed potatoes rot during storage. According to the survey in recent years, most of the Naoshan areas in Qinghai Province

  • Storage management of potato

    Storage management of potato

    The summer harvest of potatoes is in the high temperature season, and the potato pieces after harvest can be stored in a cool and ventilated room, cellar or shade shed. The potato pile is generally no more than 0.5m and no more than 2m wide. Put an appropriate amount of ventilation pipes in the heap for ventilation and cooling, and cover the light with straw curtains. During the pre-storage period, according to the weather conditions, we should often check and remove rotten potato chips. 1. Potatoes were harvested in Lvda area of Liaoning Province in mid-July and stored in shady sheds or empty houses until October. The depth of the trench is 1-1.2 m and the width is 1-1.

  • Storage and fresh-keeping of apricot

    Storage and fresh-keeping of apricot

    Apricot storage and preservation 1. The determination of suitable harvest maturity of apricot is the key to the storage of apricot. The judgment of maturity can be determined according to the days of fruit development, the change of fruit color, the texture of peel and pulp, the aromatic flavor of fruit and the firmness of fruit. Apricots for storage should be used when the fruit reaches the inherent size of the variety, the fruit surface changes from green to yellow, the sunny side shows the inherent color of the variety, the pulp is still hard, and nutrients have been accumulated.
